Caption Winston Henry Lockett and Alfred David Jones Jr., Wake County Jail, Raleigh, North Carolina

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Unidentified Photographer, Winston Henry Lockett and Alfred David Jones Jr., Wake County Jail, Raleigh, North Carolina, 1962, gelatin silver print, 6 1/2 x 9 3/8 inches, High Museum of Art, Atlanta, purchase with funds from Sandra Anderson Baccus in loving memory of Lloyd Tevis Baccus, M.D., 2007.92.
Transcribed caption: “RAP081501-8/15/62-RALEIGH, N.C.–Integration-seekers Winston Henry Lockette, 20 of New Haven, Conn., and Alfred David Jones Jr., (R), 21, St. Louis, Mo., peer through the bars of Wake County Jail after electing to serve 30 day jail terms on trespass charges. Both refused to post $50 after being arrested at a local Howard Johnson restaurant. UPI, TELEPHOTO vjh”