Caption for Passengers outside a Burning Greyhound Bus, Anniston, Alabama

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Joseph Postiglione (American, born Italy, 1922–1995), Passengers outside a Burning Greyhound Bus, Anniston, Alabama, 1961, gelatin silver print, 6 1/2 × 8 1/2 inches, High Museum of Art, Atlanta, purchase with funds from Sandra Anderson Baccus in loving memory of Lloyd Tevis Baccus, M.D., 2007.95. © Joseph Postiglione and United Press International/Corbis-Bettmann.
Transcribed caption: “ANP051401-5/14/61-ANNISTON, ALA.: Passengers of a Greyhound bus, some of them members of the “Freedom Riders” group sponsored by the Congress of Racial Equality (CORE), site on ground outside burning bus after it was set afire by group of whites who met the Negro-white group on arrival here 5/14. After setting bus afire, whites attacked passengers as they left it. Twelve persons were treated at an Anniston hospital. ALA & GA POINTS OUT UP | TELEPHOTO-fwl”