Road to Freedom


Road to Freedom


Caption for Another Bus Canceled, Birmingham, Alabama

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Horace Cort (American, active 1940s–1970s), Another Bus Canceled, Birmingham, Alabama, 1961, gelatin silver print, 5 3/8 x 9 1/4 inches, High Museum of Art, Atlanta, purchase with funds from Charlotte and Jim Dixon, 2007.75.

Transcribed caption: “(BM2) BIRMINGHAM, Ala., May 20–ANOTHER BUS CANCELED–Greyhound driver Joe Cavanaugh stands at the door of his bus in Birmingham today and tells a group of “freedom riders” attempting to board that the trip has been canceled. “I have only one life to give and I don’t intend to give it for CORE and the NAACP,” Cavanaugh told the racially mixed group which renewed integration efforts after a night of waiting at the station. (AP Wirephoto) JL70735stf-hwc) 1961 See AP Wire Story”