Caption for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Floyd McKissick, and Stokely Carmichael March Arm in Arm, Canton, Mississippi

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Unidentified Photographer, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Floyd McKissick, and Stokely Carmichael March Arm in Arm, Canton, Mississippi, 1966, gelatin silver print, 6 1/2 x 9 3/8 inches, High Museum of Art, Atlanta, purchase with funds from Sandra Anderson Baccus in loving memory of Lloyd Tevis Baccus, M.D., 2007.94.
Transcribed caption: “EDITORS: SUGGESTED USE WITH AL KUETTNER STORY ON THE “BLACK POWER GULF” / AJP070103-7/1/66-CANTON, MISS: The leaders of the big three civil rights groups marched arm-in-arm in Canton, Miss., but the gulf between the leaders widened sharply 6/1. Dr. Martin Luther King (L) re-stated his adherence to non-violence while CORE leader Lloyd McKissick (C) and Stokley Carmichael of SNCC (R) leaned more toward a philosophy of “black power.” UNITED PRESS INTERNATIONAL TELEPHOTO (from files)”